People always compete. It happens to everyone around you,
including your friends. What happen in the class couldn’t be measured in the
real life. Sometimes, you have a smart-ass one with book but unlucky one in the
world. I realized it because I have some
friends to experience. Those whom I think easily get a job malahan kebingungan
gak tau harus ngapain. On the other side, I who was a shitty-one in the class
has an appropriate thing to do everyday. Life sucks, doesn’t it?
At school, all u need to do is dealing with books and stuffs
that you can’t use in the real world. Why do I always use “real world” anyway?
I always stare at the people whom I think would get a shinny bright
future. As usual, what I am thinking would
never happen.
In the end, semua orang yang lulus dari kuliah bakal dapet
kerjaan yang menurut gue gak bakal mereka suka. Kenapa? Karena people whom I
know bekerja bukan karena usaha mereka melainkan relasi atau seseorang yang
mereka kenal di tempat tersebut. I had a few friends who offer me a job, but I
refused it. Karena gue yakin gue bakal bisa menghasilkan uang dari yang gue
suka. Bukan karena butuh tetapi karena gue pengen.
Gue sempet kecewa melihat beberapa orang yang stuck by doing
nothing because they are confused. I admire them at the school a lot. But, why
are you giving up when the world just started? Jika tujuan bekerja hanya untuk
mencari uang, berapapun yang didapatkan gak akan cukup karena your lust is a
way bigger than u can imagine.
I feel sorry about them who haven’t got a job. Tapi, mereka
gak harus bersedih karena mereka bukan satu-satunya orang yang sementara ini
menjadi jobless. According to my research, ada sekitar 7 juta orang yang
menganggur bahkan sebagian kecil dari mereka lulusan S2 dan lebih tinggi. The
point is selagi masih mencari kerjaan, kenapa gak coba melakukan apa yang
disukai. Jangan malah diam diri menganggap kalian tidak berguna.
I wrote this article based on my several weeks researching.
I hung out with my college friends, my classmates in elementary school and my
junior high school. They’ve got a same problems. If anything occurs at the same
time, you know what it means. Don’t feel ashamed or something that wipe your
life away. Life is bigger than that and life is beyond than that.
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