Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Life is Like A Wheel

In a few days, the world will be changing. It wouldn’t be fun again anyway. There’s some kind of a burden that I will carry around. Tapi, selalu ada 2 sisi dalam perubahan. Keduanya saling berkesinambungan dan terjadi di waktu yang berbeda namun memberikan dampak nyata. Lo gak bakal tau kapan akan merasa bahagia ataupun merasa senang. That’s a life.

In a second, you can feel happy or sad. Hal itu yang lagi gue alami. Ketika lu lagi merasa di bawah, you just don’t know that a gift actually comes to you. Gue pernah merasakan hal itu, especially for a job, pas gue merasa gak bakal dapet target income yang gue inginkan, tiba-tiba ada kerjaan lain yang membuat tabungan gue malahan jadi double.

The point is, you may freak out but you can’t let that happen all the time. Sometimes, you need to take it easy and try to not care too much about it. Gak usah takut gak dapet pekerjaan atau apa, there must be another way thay you can find. Bukan masalah seberapa banyak yang lu dapet dalem sebulan, yang terpenting adalah konsistens untuk mendapatkan hal itu.

Honestly, gue gak tau mau kerja apa. Gue selalu berpikir being an independent is a purpose of my life. Gue gak mau kerja untuk membuat orang lain kaya makanya gue melakukan sesuatu yang gue suka. Turning a passion into a job? Everybody can do it. But, gak semua dari mereka mau nyoba buat lepas dari bayang-bayang orang lain.

Kalo lu merasa udah cukup matang untuk berdiri sendiri, doing a thing that u like, lu harus coba “ngeyel” dan tidak mendengarkan kata orang lain. KENAPA? SOALNYA ORANG TERDEKAT BIASANYA SELALU MENGHALANGI LU BUAT MAJU. “Yaelahh, ngapain si!”, “Kerja aja di tempat yang punya gaji tetap” dan lain-lain. Hal itu emang langsung buat lu kecewa atau apalah apalah. Tapi, itulah awal dari kesenengan hidup yang lu cari, KALO LU BERANI Take A Risk tapi.
Kenapa hidup seperti roda? Bukan masalah di atas atau di bawah  dan juga bukan masalah berputar atau tidak. Tetapi, roda akan bergerak apabila ada daya dari orang lain. Intinya, maukah lu jadi orang yang mendorong roda itu? 

LET’S TRY TO BE “NGEYEL” sebelum benar-benar bekerja untuk orang lain. At least, you have tried to do anything that u like. MASALAHNYA, Banyak orang yang pura-pura gak tau apa yang mereka inginkan. Sebagai seorang yang impulsif, gue akan berkata, “gue tau apa yang lu suka masa lu gatau apa keinginan diri lu sendiri.” GAK USAH CARI JAUH-JAUH! Coba lebih peka sama diri sendiri nanti lu tau apa yang lu pengen.

“Ah gak ngasilin duit” “Ah gak mau repot” “Ah gak ada waktu”, orang biasanya akan berkata gitu. That’s on you. That’s ur life. I don’t give a fuck about that. Gue, sebagai teman, hanya membantu mendorong. Selebihnya, lu harus lakukan sendiri.

Gue tulis ini bukan berart kalo gue udah berhasil. Sebaliknya, ini gue ditulis berdasarkan kegagalan yang sering gue lakuin dalam hidup. Sharing means caring, right? Try to pop up your thoughts on comment below. Kalo lu ngerasa bingung baca postingan ini, abaikan. Gue juga gak peduli amat. Lagian, ini blog gue. My blog, My rule, My power.

Sabtu, 08 Juli 2017


When I was a kid, I forgot what I exactly wanted to be. All i remembered was play with friends without thinking of my future. Things are different when you grow up becoming a man. A man should carry his burden in his shoulder. A man should get things done by himself. A man should take no advantage from anything. It sucks.....

Being a man who grows up is terryfing. I've never expected to be adult. I wish I always could be a kid who carry my stroller wherever I go and whatever I want. As long as I ignore myself, I feel pathetic. I feel like a man who needs help. I feel like useles. Does anybody feel the same like me?

Thank god I have a blog.
I can share anything I want here.

It's hard to believe in someone.

I tried to accept my fate being a man. Why should I be a man if I always be commanded? Can I just take my own way without minding who you are?

Lately, I've figured what I really want in this life. I am 22 years old, and I don't think it's too late to reach my dream. As far as I can run, I'll try to do it whatever it takes. But, What if someone drag you down? should I just quit it?

Is money really empowering our life? I am young and reckless, I am still naive and I don't think about what I can be in the future because I am not kinda person.

What if I couldn't reach my passion? should I just give up and surrender to the mission?
Going work at 5 am then Coming home at 5 pm? regularly doing that shit everyday?
Come on. It sucks.

I've repeatedly seen some kind of guy. I saw him on train at 5 am with his shinny face, but his shinny face will turn to be dark at 5 pm.

Relationship and Job are common issue, right?

In the last three days, I got two bad news in my life..
First, I got rejected by someone I love. It was such an embarrassing moment when I had a guts to tell her about what I felt. Datang dengan tiba-tiba masang muka sok manis dan berkata, "Can I know who your name is?" dan, bla.. bla... bla.. I felt bravely idiot guy. Parahnya, She dumped me and I felt broken, devastated and sudahlahhh...
That day, I couldn't do anything besides thinking about an idiotic thing that I've just done. First time in my life, I tried to say something to someone I barely don't know. Dan juga, itu momen pertama dimana gue ngerasa kagak goblokk dan bodoh. I thought my life could be over because of it.
I don't think that I am perfect. But, there are few women like me. I don't know how she (women) can feel that to me. Gue gak kepedean, but that's the fact. I was used to rejecting a message from women who liked me. Gue ngerasa cuman buang waktu kalo balesin pesan mereka, jadi gue pilih jalan santai, yakni read aja biar mereka gak message atau chat lagi. Gue gak tau kalo hal kayak gitu nyakitin perasaan mereka. Now, I felt that when she (the one I liked) rejected me.
My friend told me that I should be sadness, not madness. Why? katanya kesedihan bakal bikin jadi "wise" sedangkan madness cuman bikin lu rugi dan gak menerima keadaan. Well, I tried to be sadness.
After I opened my heart for a while, now I should cover it up. I don't think this is good time to have another woman. Apalagi, kerjaan yang gue dambakan sedikit melenceng dari sasaran.
My second bad news is a job. I was happy when I got an email to be a writer in a online media. It was amazing and I thought my life is doing well. But, shit happened. No, I don't get fired, but there is some kind of rule which is hard to accept.
Actually, love and job are common issue. Semua orang merasakan hal tersebut, tetapi di waktu dan cara yang berbeda. Sebagian bisa marah, namun sebagian bisa juga sedih. Tergantung bagaimana orang tersebut menyikapinya. Meskipun sulit buat dilupakan, those things should be a good experience.
Pelajaran yang gue dapet adalah tuhan bakal selalu ngasih cobaan. Semakin lu dewasa, persoalan yang lu dapet bakal semakin berat. Semakin lu cerdas, semakin rumit pula masalah yang lu bakal dapetin. Kalo masalah lu cuma ekonomi, semua orang ngerasain hal yang sama, tapi kalo masalah lu tentang kehidupan, belum tentu semua orang pernah ngerasain.

Senin, 08 Mei 2017

Things are different.

Things are different.
It couldn't be the same like we used to be.
It's crucial.
People can move, people can leave, people can lose, and people can find the new one.

Things are different.
I remembered what you said to me, to us.....
Frightening like a pussy cat and hidding at someone's armpit, come on....
You're better than that.

Feeling different? it's not because we are busy
It's because we don't care.
We don't give a shit..

Things are diferent.
One word that I want to yell at your face loudly "TAIIIII........"

Sabtu, 29 April 2017

Gabs Gabs Gabut


A day with nothing to do....
Spending a whole day by listening a radio and creating some stuffs
I rarely create a new one because of one reason.
The reason that I can't tell
Staring at my laptop at midnight, just staring.

Actually, I have two reason to go out of this shitty room but I couldn't do it.
Ketika ada dua kegiatan yang lu harus lakuin dalam satu waktu, what'cha gonna do?
I can't pick one of those so gue duduk lagi dan buka lagi laptop.
Ngapain buka laptop? tatap aja terus sampe mata memerah dengan tatapan nanar.

Finally, Gabs gabs gabut.....

Minggu, 09 April 2017

Time isn't running out yet

Skripsi.... skripsi dan skripsi.
Everybody gets fucked up with the thing.
People need to fresh out and take a deep breath.
That's why I brought my friends to CFD in Senayan.

In the beginning month of April, I went to CFD Senayan, for the first time. I feel pathetic, but that was the fact. Ketika semua orang sibuk sama skripsi, gue lebih milih jalan-jalan selo ke Senayan. Bukannya karena gue pengen lari (which is not interested), melainkan gue mau menghindari satu kata benda yang sering gue ucapin diatas. Sedikiti memento, ketika orang udah bimbingan lebih dari 5 kali, gue masih stuck ketemu dosen cuman sekali. Udah gitu, sekali bimbingan langsung disuruh revisi, REVISI JUDUL. For god's sake, sekali ketemu langsung revisi judul hahahahhaha.

Oke, karena gue gak mau pusing, gue turutin aja. Gue turutin dengan cara kabur dari tanggung jawab dan cari kesenangan sendiri. Having fun is an alternative way to disract your feelin' bro. chill out. Oke cukup nostalgia worthless nya.

We had an appointment at Manggarai station. The truth is, gue mau dateng pagi sebelum jam 6 tapi apa daya karena temen gue yang lain tidak tahu cara menggunakan jam, jadi gue gak dapet momen pagi di CFD. lebay si emang, tapi gimana ya, it was a good thoughts to excuse your true reason. Janjian jam 6 di Manggarai stasiun, apa dayaku ketika mereka beralasan ada yang mau berak, ada yang mau mandi, ada yang belum bangun, ada juga yang gak ada kabar, kayak dia....(dia siapa?)

Karena temen gue yang pada gak bisa baca jam (mungkin masih make matahari buat liat arah waktu), gue juga jadi ikutan mager jalan pagi. Gue putusin buat nyari duit dulu. Nyari duit gue gampang, buka laptop, open link, make an article, *clinkk, dapet duit, gampang kan?

Time showed at 6.30 am and I decided to roll. Gue berangkat dari stasiun kebanggan orang Bekasi menuju ke tempat pertemuan. Sampe disana, si kampret belum pada dateng. Alhasil, gue nunggu lagi lumayan lama, 10 menit. Oke , mereka dateng layaknya boyband nyari job yang gak dapet-dapet. Ada yang masih ngantuk, ileran bahkan belum mandi.

Jam setengah 8 di Manggarai, buset..... orang mana yang mau lari udah jam setengah 8? orang gak lari.

Sampai di Sudirman jam 8 dan gue udah males lari. So, we went straight to the purpose. Emang bloon apa gak tau, gue dan yang lain jalan ke Senayan. Ada yang bilang, "deket kok, cuman nyebrang jembatan". Jembatan endasmu. Jalan lebih dari setengah jam buat sampe Senayan. Udah gitu, ada yang ngeluh laper, cape,#$#$#$###$#$#$#$. Emang makanannya menggoda iman, dari makanan abjad A-Z bisa dilihat disini. Mungkin, kalo main ABC lima dasar nama-nama makanan bisa kejawab semua saking banyaknya.

"entar aja makannya", sahut gue dari kejauhan 2 meter. Gue dan lainnya masuk ke Senayan, sayangnya stadion kebanggaan Indonesia lagi direnovasi jadi kita berhenti di dekat ibu-ibu muda lagi pada senam. "Goyangannya... eh Senamnya bagus banget", Januri berkata dengan polosnya kwkkwkwkw. Kalimat serius, untung si LEE MIN HOO pake topeng Januri, kalo kagak udah rame pasti pada minta foto, tanda tangan dan pastinya Kopi luwak.

Sumpah, 3 jam disana cuma duduk ngeliat Noke lagi break dance sama Januri joget *kalimat keduabiar lucu *padahalkagak *januriudahlucu.

Karena udah pada laper, kita keluar buat nyari makan. Pilihan gue tetep jatuh ke satu nama "KETOPRAK". Wherever you are, wherever you go, ketoprak is in my heart *chants. Januri sempet gak mau makan soalnya gak ada kimcil, eh Kimchi atau Bibimbap (bener gak ejaanya?). Akhirnya gue rekomendasiin makanan Indonesia, jadi dia pilih...... ketupat sayur *pilihanbijak. Masalah selanjutnya datang ketika Januri gak bisa makan pake sendok, jadi dia makan ketupat pake sumpit *multitalentlikepro.

Jam 10, waktunya CFD selesai dan jalanan di sekitar Senayan dibuka. oke, journey was over and we went home. perjalanan 30 menit di siang hari, kami tempuh dengan berjalan kaki. suara sumbang mengatakan, "arah pulang mah lebih cepet dari pada arah balik". Pernyataan tersebut kontras dengan fakta yang harus dijalani. mana Januri gak tahan panas lagi takut item.

Kami jalan pulang dengan lelah sambil meneriakan yel-yel "semangat, semangat". Di tengah perjalanan, ada kejadian bego, gila, sedeng, gak waras. Karena pembawaan Noke yang petakilan, dia kena prank dari orang gak jelas. sepanjang jalan, ada pembatas terbuat dari beton yang menutupi jalan dengan polosnya dia memegang pembatas tersebut dan gak sadar kalo ada "ludah" disitu. Iya, ludah dan reak yang berwwana hijau tosca yang indah. Sontak Januri ketawa ngakak dan Noke lari mengejar Januri beberapa kilo... detik.

Sumpah kejadian tolol itu, bikin ngakak sepanjang perjalanan dan muka mereka berdua bener-bener idiot. 

Kejar-kejaran kayak telenovela di siang bolong sambil diliatin orang. Can you imagine, jam 11 siang balik dari Senayan ke Sudirman pake setelan lari lengkap dengan baju dan sepatu running. FAKK!!

Hari itu kami sudahi dengan berpisah pulang. Menggunakan baju yang bau ketek, gue dan yang lainnya dengan pedenya masuk ke kereta dan .....

kami pulang..

Thank god, gue udah mengabadikan beberapa momen yang bagus buat di capture.
Enjoy the rest!!!

Gimana? bukan.... bukan fotonya.

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

My life is at stake

I have planned to go few places this year, but my plan is totally screwed.
Sebagai mahasiswa tingkat akhir, gue dihadapkan dengan yang namanya "skripsi". I think skripsi ain't hard if you know what to do.
Yappp, ngerjain skripsi itu emang gampang menurut gue. Bab1-5 gue bisa kerjain dalam waktu 1 bulan. The problem appears when you have to meet your lecturer. Setiap skripsi punya yang namanya dosen pembimbing teknik dan materi. Disitulah masalahnya, dosen itu sulit banget ditemuin bahkan sampe gue tulis blog ini, gue masih belum ketemu dosen pembimbing gue. Ketika orang lain sudah sibuk dengan "bla.... bla..... bla", gue masih selau.
Ketika mahasiswa lain udah bimbingan sampe 3 atau 4 kali, gue masih nunggu kepastian kapan dosen pembimbing gue punya waktu senggang.
Ketika mahasiswa lain udah sampai bab 2 atau 3, gue masih bingung judul gue layak apa enggak.
Ketika mahasiswa lain ribet ngomongin dospem, gue kesel bin gedek kapan ketemu tuh dosen.

The whole plan is messed up.
Nunggu jawaban dari dospem sama kayak nunggu ilham ketemu "cewe sate", sulit banget.
Semakin gue nunggu, semakin kepikiran *duaduanya.

Gausah panjang-panjang, dospem gue gak bakal baca ini blog.

Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017

To Make it Immortal

Yogyakarta .......................................... Check
Having a good time at Jungle Land .... Check
Pampering ourselves at Waterfall ....... Check
Doing crazy stuff together .................. Check
Making a band..................................... Check

6th mission just completed this week. On March 15th, 2017. We've got a studio photoshoot. 
The day that we've been waiting for.
The day that we've assigned ourselves in a piece of paper.
The day that we remember who we were and what we will be.
The day that we don't know whether we shoul be happy or sad.
The day that I say "TO MAKE IT IMMORTAL".

I don't want to say this as a gang like what Yuni boyfriend's talked.
I don't want to say this as a team because we are not.
I want to say this as a circle of friendship.

I hate to say this, but setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan.
Perpisahan untuk mengejar impian masing-masing.
Perpisahan untuk berkumpul lagi di suatu hari dan melakukan kegilaan yang sama.

Gue gak ngerti apa yang gue rasain ketika lagi Photoshoot.
Entah senang atau sedih.
Yang gue tau, foto itu cuma "denial" kalo setiap individu yang terlibat di dalamnya bakal terbang satu-persatu menuju ke dunia sebenarnya.

It is truly friendship.
Gue ketawa ngakak ada yang gosip tentang hubungan gue sama salah satu dari ke 4 orang ini.
Screw you, Gosip recehan yang gak jelas asal usulnya, capture sana sini, edit foto orang kayak perselingkuhan di telenovela. We are an adult, gosip recehan yang dibuat sama orang yang gak suka atau apalah. Gue juga gak peduli. I don't fuckin care.
One sentence " Grow up, your life is  funny that way dude"


Satu hari luntang-lantung gak jelas di Yogyakarta, mampir ke setiap masjid yang ada, cuma numpang duduk. Jam 8 malem diusir secara halus sampe ngerasa kayak hopeless cuma buat menuju ke gunung kidul. Akhirnya, naik taksi yang harusnya bayar 80 ribu, eh kita kasih 120 ribu #thuglife
Bisa bisanya ngasih lebih padahal kita buat makan susah. Hahahahha.

Jungle Land.
Naik angkot yang maksudnya buat ngehemat malah mahal. Kena tipu sama supir angkot. Bukannya marah malah ketawa ngakak gara-gara digocek sama supir angkot.

Jalan terjal gak ngalangin niat buat sampe tujuan. Apesnya, banyak preman kocak pinggir jalan yang minta duit receh. Bego' nya kita ngasih lagi.

Making a band.
Nyanyi lagu Cranbberies "Zombie", penyanyi nya biduan dangdut yang kalo ngomong medok bahasa Jawa.

Nyanyi lagu "Love yourself" salah chord, SEKIP...

Akhirnya!! gue bisa denger suara emas Januri. Sampe bisa bikin gue nangis. Nangis........ gara-gara ketawa ngakak suara kayak gitu mau jadi penyanyi. Plis januri, lu akting aja gak usah nyanyi.

Terakhir, gosippin biduan Bogor yang bikin Januri klepek-klepek.

Photoshoot kemaren bener-bener gilakk, pake tema old school 80's dengan Januri sebagai bintang utama. #udahbiasa #gantengsendiri #gakbisajelek.
Ngakak luar biasa. Tapi pas foto udah dicetak, baru ngerasa, "anjir, gue foto kayak gini kayak mau perpisahan aja". 

Feeling of pain comes at end.
The feeling that you really want to lose your closest one.
My bloodstream stopped then I barely talked.
Staring all of those photos dengan senyuman sedikit pake bibir nungging.

Bukit alesano "kemungkinan" atau gak mungkin bakal jadi our last trip selama kuliah.
Setelah itu, Januri bakal balik lagi ke dunia Modelling (gak mungkin) atau balik lagi sama Lisa (mungkin). wkwkwkkw.

Foto dihape gak akan bertahan lama.
That's why I uploaded it to memorize them.
That's why I uploade them to the world

That's why I want to make it Immortal.

ps: Januri lo emang ganteng, jadi gak usah baper kalo digilai banyak wanita. 
Karena lo adalah #cowokidamanwanita hahahaha

Senin, 27 Februari 2017

Keep dreaming or keep moving?

Many people complain about their life. They feel like they are the one who feels it instead everybody feel the same way. Iya, banyak yang mengeluh kalo hidupnya gak sempurna. All i know that nobody's perfect. Tetep aja orang ngebandingin hidupnya sama hidup orang lain termasuk gue. Gausah munafik kalo kita pasti mau jadi orang lain. Si "A" mau jadi "B", si "B" mau jadi "C", si C mau jadi "D" dan terus aja sampai Naruto naik awan kinton buat nyerang negara api. Terus Naruto kongkalikong sama Goku buat nyerang Avatar *jadingawur

Back to the topic, orang ngeluh hidupnya gak sempurna, kayak beli mangga tapi belum mateng, asem. Entah kebanyakan nonton film jaman sekarang yang memperlihatkan kemewahan atau kebanyakan nonton film India yang pemerannya multitalenta bisa nyanyi sambil joget bareng. Gue bingung, kenapa gue mau jadi kayak si "B"? padahal si "C" lebih keren, padahal si"D" lebih ganteng, padahal si "E" lebih kaya. The point is, whoever you've become, you'll never be perfect because perfection isn't existed. Gak ada yang sempurna, bahkan cewek cantik aja kentutnya bisa bau atau bulunya berketek. Eh, keteknya berbulu.

If you want to achieve something, you have to work hard to get it. Gue nulis ini bukan gue berarti sok bijak, bukan berarti gue pinter dan bukan berarti gue sahabat super. Gue nulis ini karena gue juga ngerasain hal yang sama. Kebanyakan mikir bukan malah kita dapet solusi. That's why need to act. Bingung mau mulai dari mana? Sama, semua orang juga bingung. semua orang juga mau sukses tapi entah kurang usaha atau kurang doa.

Ketika lu masih hidup, ketika lu masih bernafas, just do whatever you want. 

Intinya (lagi), no matter what you do in life, you have to do it seriously. Even, ketika lo motong bawang, lo bakal terluka kalo gak hati-hati. Jadi, apapun yang lu lakukan, dapet duit atau kagak, terkenal atau kagak, kalo lu lakuin dengan hati senang, lu bakal ngerasain sesuatu kepuasan dalam diri lo.

Oke cukup jadi orang orang pura-pura pinter.


Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

A man with unexpected decision

Last week, I watched a movie that I've never seen before. I meant that the movie was unexpectable. Yes, the movie I watched was called as "INTO THE WILD". I accidentaly searched on google a traveling movie so I got this movie. This movie isn't just about traveling, but also meaning of family. Family is supposed to be the shelter to the kids. Family is supposed to be a place where kids have some advice from their parents. Parents are supposed to be children's guardian. Parents are supposed to be children's role models.

Kepribadian anak tergantung dari pola asuh orang tua. Cara orang tua mengasuh, menyayangi dan mengasihi. Mereka seharusnya melakukan hal yang benar agar menjadi panutan anaknya. Orang tua harus mengajarkan anaknya hal hal yang akan berguna untuk masa depannya. Orang tua harus mendidik dan merawat anak mereka.

What if Orang tua melakukan hal yang berbeda?
What if Orang tua memberikan dampak buruk terhadap anaknya?
What if Orang tua membiarkan anaknya mengetahui hal-hal yang buruk yang sedang terjadi?

Inilah yang terjadi di film ini. A story of an introvert guy who wants to conquer Alaska. A story of a vulnerable guy who needs a real relationship. A story of  a young man who wants to be concerned.

Abusive relation which he felt benar benar membuat dirinya hancur. Tidak mengerti apa artinya rasa kasih sayang, tidak mengerti apa artinya kekeluargaan. Lebih dari sekedar menaklukan Alaska, Cristopher (baca : nama asli) menginginkan perhatian dan kasih sayang dari orang tuanya. Perhatian yang memang ia tidak dapat semenjak kecil. Perhatian tentang kasih sayang, bukan tentang uang atau segala macamnya. Perhatian yang memberikannya motivasi untuk memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Terlepas dari gelar yang diraihnya, Cristopher menginginkan arti dari orang tua sesungguhnya. Dia tidak memerlukan uang melainkan kasih sayang.

Itulah hal yang membuatnya kabur dan memutuskan jika alam adalah keluarga sesungguhnya. Keluarga yang dapat memberikan tempat berteduh dan keluarga yang selalu berada dimanapun dia inginkan. Dia pergi meninggalkan semua kemewahan termasuk, mobil kuning tua yang dicintainya. Membakar semua uang dan menanggalkan kamarnya yang nyaman demi bertemu dengan keluarga sesungguhnya.

Menuju ke alam bebas merupakan keinginan yang sudah lama diinginkan olehnya. Bagaimana dengan keluarganya? Mereka mencari Chris yang hilang. People might change when they have lost someone.

Orang tua Chris akhirnya menyadari kesalahan. Chris membutuhkan kasih sayang namun sudah terlambat. Chris sudah pergi bersama angin, mengikuti arah matahari dan menuju ke tempat yang dia impikan. Keluarganya merenung karena kesalahan dan kecerobohan yang mereka buat sendiri.

After few months even few years, Chris was found in the bus. Iya, Chris meninggal di dalam bus dengan memegang perutnya yang sangat kurus. Chris akhirnya meninggal karena kelaparan yang ia alami. Namun, akhinya dia menyadari jika keluarga sesungguhnya harus saling berbagi, bukan saling bergantung. Penderitaan yang ia alami ditulis dalam sebuah buku.

Sesaat sebelum meninggal, Chris, yang pada waktu itu menahan lapar, mengambil sebuah kayu usang. Jari jemarinya mengambil sebuah silet dan menuliskan sebuah kalimat yang seharusnya ia sadari. Kalimat yang bermakna berbeda jika ia mempercayai kehidupan sesungguhnya. Kalimat yang harusnya menghilangkan semua rasa ego dalam dirinya.


Chris menyadari kesalahannya namun, keluarga mereka juga harus disalahkan akibat kematiannya.

For parent's advice, you have to protect your children not to let them go. You have to tell them the right way, not the wrong way. You have to make them be happy not be sad. And the most important thing is Kalian, para orang tua, harusnya menyimpan masalah kalian dalam-dalam. Jangan biarkan anak kalian mengetahui masalah yang kalian perdebatkan.

Anak akan merasa terguncang apabila mereka tidak dapat menanggung beban yang tidak bisa mereka pikul. Bermain adalah dunia mereka, Taking parent's burden must be avoided.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

Can people live alone?

I've never thought that people could live alone before. Eventhough you are an introvert, you couldn't just dissapear from the world and create the world that you want to be. Person who will do this is the craziest person alive. People should live together, help each other and get married with the one he loves. It seems like crazy to think of being alone in this world.

In fact, I watched an interesting based on true story movie which explain how to be alone in the world. It was 'INTO THE WILD'. A young brilliant guy who graduated from well-known university with great GPA took off everything he had. He believed that people should live alone, that's why he ran away to Alaska. He left all of his luxury and comfort because of his fate.

Now, do you think people can live alone? I don't guess so. In the end of the movie, Cristopher McCandles (A guy who ran to Alaska) realized that people couldn't live alone. Why? Because while he was starving to death in the "magic bus", he wrote a message to people. 

He wrote, "Happines is real when shared". Yappp, you are right. In the end of his life, Cristopher McCandles eventually understood the meaning of life. Person is a social creature. They have to stick together in one circumstances. Many people are too stubborn to understand that. When your heart control your head, everything could be happened. You could do something crazy when you lose your mind. 

Just because you are an introvert or able to do anything by yourself doesn't mean you can live longer.


Minggu, 12 Februari 2017

Does gadget truly invade our life?

Have you ever thought how lovely this life is without gadget?
Have you ever turned your sight away from your gadget?
Is there no other reason to talk normally than chat in your gadget?

If gadget were never existed what would be happened? It doesn't matter, you could be a normal person.
If people didn't live to help each other what would be happened? You'd die. 

In this age, If there's an accident, people will take a picture first, upload to the social media after all of those, they will help you then. 
Oh come on!! you could die first before they upload it.

Lately, I've boarded the train for couple times. I decide to use public transportation because I want to see different side of life. I am completely sick of the traffic jam which piss me off. "Perfection is just a dream". It doesn't matter what you choose, there will always be worse thing in it. Speaking of train, Unloaded passengers and lack of train are the hardest thing to be solved. Consequently, there are many delays are inevitable.

Here's the story begins...
I am a guy who likes paying attention everything I can see like a beautiful girl, an old man, a funny guy or whoever they are on the train.

Most of people on the train are busy staring at their fancy phone. They even don't care about an elderly who needs a place to sit. Their gaze was stoned, even with their friend by their side. No matter how many friends you have in social media, they will never be your real friend in real life, real time. I've seen a guy who sat in the priority seats and listened the music didn't care about pregnant woman standing in front of him. He was just pretending to sleep, Oh my god!! what the hell is happened with humanity. We are supposed to control the gadget, not to be controlled. Nowadays, people are typing person not communicating person. Their true behaviour has been erased because of gadget. Technology makes us be an anti social.

It turns out  that people couldn't stop staring at their gadget, even in toilet or private room. Having gadget has been a lifestyle that couldn't be avoided. At home, when we want to sleep, we turn the lights off, but we turn the phone on. We say, "I check my social media for 15 minutes", but we unconsciously stay awake for 1-2 hours, how pathetic it is.

When we have lunch together with friends, what are we doing? Talking? I am not sure. Scrolling down the gadget instead of talking with friends is the important thing to do. The real life has gone and now, it's been invaded but we just couldn't see it.

Although you are with your closest one, you will deny them. When we forget to charge our gadget, we are stressed and confused what to do. We've forgotten how to make a conversation. We just sit in the table, do nothing and watch your closest one are busy with their gadget (I feel it tho).

The pattern I made:
No Phone = Life is on
Phone, but no battery = Feel unlucky (disaster)

Being famous in social media doesn't mean you have many friends in real life. Sometimes people could share anything without thinking of any limitation. Even, when you try to connect each other in real life, you aren't able to talk because you don't get used to it.

Hoax spreads rapidly and tears us apart. We can't figure out the truth because we are blinded by all of hatred which is shared by irresponsible people. Freedom of revealing statement has been misinterpreted by judging everyone whom they think they make mistake. It must be stopped, people must think clearly. We've been making big mistakes.

After judging everyone, you argue something that you don't know what it is, as if you were an expert in it. You even don't know what the recently issue is. All you know that you want to show off yourself to everyone.

Your "emoji" in social media is a liar to cover up your true feeling.

You might type "HAHAHAH" or "WKWKWK", but you don't feel it in real life. 

Whatever you do, wherever you are, you will refresh your social media's timeline if you even just have 5 seconds. Conscious or not, people will accidentally take their in the pocket and pull something out of it. Gadget is in your hand then you stare at it for a while then do something for couple of hours.

Gadget could be our friend or enemy, yet we have to make sure that we can take care of it. Sometimes people are fooled by gadget. They would tie themselves up in the chain. Like a dog, People would stay for a couple of hours to re-charge their phone.

I've made this article not just for everyone who reads it , but also myself. Nobody's perfect, but reminding each other is the good advisor, isn't it?

I also dedicate this article to all my friends who know me. Please, turn your phone off when we are in the middle of conversation. I am not acting like I am the best one, but I always see that everybody take their phone when we have something to do, except me.

To everyone who read this article, We are supposed to have a real communication, talk to each other and not stare at the phone in the whole day.

To everyone who read this article, thanks for reading this article, you can share if you think this article is worth.


Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Exploring the lost Waterfall "Ciheulang" #3

Sesampainya di rumah kosong diatas air terjun, gue pikir kalo air terjun udah ketemu. Ternyata, pencarian baru "benar-benar' dimulai. Tekstur tanah yg licin ditambah sama tanah yg lembah terus dikombinasikan dengan jalan setapak yg dibuat seperti "sengkedan" kebawah, menambah "creepy" perjalanan yg gak usai- usai. Sebelum gue dan rombongan "ibu-ibu haji" pada turun, gue sempet ngajak lagi kelompok "yg tega" ninggalin gue sama "ibu-ibu haji". Tapi, mereka gak mau dengan alasan jalan susahlah, jalan licinlah, capek lah, fak lah!! bener-bener rombongan kampret itu !!

Dengan enaknya mereka bilang, "gak usah turun, jalan kebawah licin, susah takut ngilang". Dalam hati gue bilang, "EH KAMPRET !! 2-3 jam gue dateng sejauh ini, dan malah gak boleh turun dengan alasan gitu!! gue takut juga sebenernya". Tapi, karena perasaan dongkol dan merasa "humiliated" gue turun dengan beberapa orang yg emang mau turun, kecuali cewek yg "keseleo" kakinya. It was trully horrible situation. Mulai melangkahkan kaki setapak demi setapak, menuju ke bawah. Bener bener sunyi dari suasana manusia, yg terdengar hanya kicauan burung dan suara alam yg gue gak bisa definisikan dengan kata-kata. 

Air terjun edan, ditempat edan dan yg gue bawa cuma duit goceng? INDOMARET MANA INDOMARET!! gue dongkol kalo keinget disuruh bawa uang dari pada bawa minum. Hal yg bakal keinget kalo mau jalan jangan lupa bawa minum. Mending bawa botol kosong dari pada bawa goceng dikaki gunung. Suara air terjun bener bener terdengar jelas, namun jalan yg bener bener masih terisolir bikin gue dan yg lainnya bingung. Seharusnya kalo ditempat yg jarang didatangi, ada bekas-bekas kaki tapi ini bener-bener gak ada. It seemed like no one people were there. 

Gue deskripsikan sedikit tentang hutan ini. Perjalanan kami menurun seperti menuju ke lorong bawah tanah. Jadi gue dan yg lainnya jalan turun ke bawah, namun berputar putar seperti menaiki tangga. Cukup jauh perjalanan menuju bawah. It took more than 15 minutes. Perjalanan masih belum selesai karena kami berhenti di antara dua persimpangan yg bikin pusing. Jalan pertama masih lurus ke depan, namun jalan agak licin dan curam. Jalan kedua, kami belok arah dan menuruni jalan ke bawah.

Gue liat ke atas, everything looked creepy down here with its vine which was filled in any side of this woods. Pemandangan yg insanely amazing, tapi cukup berbahaya karena kalo hujan deras turun, longsor kemungkinan terjadi. Tekstur tanah yg basah emang menjadi faktor utama terjadinya longsor. " I don't want to think any something like that", I Thought. Gila, perjuangan kesini aja sampe mau masuk ke gunung Gede Pangrango, masa iya mau balik tanpa ngeliat curugnya. Kayaknya, hal gini gak bakal terjadi kalo rombongan depan kagak "egois" jalan ke curug duluan dah hahaha.

Kami memilih jalan yg kedua, yaitu jalan menurun kebawah. Oke, The first choice might be false. Ternyata bener...... bener SALAH !! jalan ke bawah emang ada kayak kotak penampungan air dan juga aliran yg mengalir kebawah, namun itu bukan sumber airnya. Ternyata, sumber air yg bener adalah jalan yg satunya. Gue dan yg lain akhirnya balik areah terus masuk ke jalan kecil yg satunya. Jalan tersebut kayaknya bener terdengar dari sumber air yg mendekat tapi makin ke dalam perjalanan makin ekstrim.

Jalan setapak akhirnya beujung juga. Kami sampai di tempat tujuan air terjun Ciheulang. Dan akhirnya gue liat juga curug itu dengan susah payah. Air terjun ini bisa dibilang liar namun ada sebuah plang yg menunjukkan nama dari air terjun tersebut. Air terjun tersebut hanya memiliki satu mata air yg tingginya mencapai 5-6 meter cukup tinggi dengan air yg lumayan deras. Curug ini tidak terlalu besar dan luas. Akses yg sulit dan jarak tempuh yg lumayan membuat urat kaki nongol. kayaknya menjadi faktor utama kenapa curug ini tidak berpenghuni. Ditambah lagi dengan tempatnya yg rawan longsor, mungkin membuat orang mengurungkan niat buat datang kesini.

Berakhir dengan antiklimaks. Ambil foto, main air dan Pulang.....
Gak ada hal yg menarik, emang karena curugnya gak terlalu besar dan sepi.
Unpopulated also..

Jika kalian berpikir cerita ini udah selesai, you guys are totally wrong. Ternyata ada pelajaran lain yg bisa di dapat dari perjalanan yg bikin kesel gini. It's all about friendship. When you do this thing like this, you'll see who your friend is. Many people say, "going to the mountain with your friend, and you'll know who they truly are". Karena ini menurut perspektif gue, jadi gue bisa ngomong apapun karena itulah sifat mereka. 

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

Exploring the lost Waterfall "Ciheulang" #2

Biar bacanya gak gantung, baca dulu part #1 nya gaes.

Nah, setelah sampai di bukit teh yg luas banget, grup pencari air terjun dadakan ini pun terpisah. Beberapa cewe mulai angkat tangan dan beberapa lagi ada yg maksa buat nanjak padahal udah gak kuat. Yah, terpaksa harus jadi guide beberapa cewe "pura-pura perkasa" menuju ke air terjun nya.
Ada yg kuat dan ada pula yg ngeselin (ditungguin gak mau, tapi pas ditinggal ngomel-ngomel) *woman's logic tho. Jenis cewek kedua yg gue sebutin tadi, bener-bener bikin emosi tingkat dewa.

Ada quote yg mengatakan "Cara mengetahui sifat asli teman adalah dengan naik gunung", jangankan naik gunung, nyari air terjun ini aja gue udah bisa menebak sifat sifat asli temen gue. Mulai dari pemalas, anak laperan. capean, egois, all of bad things would be revealed in the moment like this. Jalan di bukit teh yg luas, tanpa seorang pun bawa air minum, sama aja kayak lo di padang pasir tapi dengan suhu dan cuaca yg berbeda. bedanya, lo gak bakal ngerasain yg namanya fatamorgana.

Gak terasa perjalanan di bukit teh itu udah lebih dari 1 jam dan rombongan tiba-tiba berpencar. Rombongan paling depan berisi 3 cowok dan 1 cewek yg paling "curious", jadi mereka gak mau menyia-nyiakan buat berleyeh-leyeh sambil ngeliatin pemandangan bukit teh. Sementara di rombongan dibelakang, terdapat beberapa wanita yg jalannya agak lama (mungkin karena capek atau haus). Sebenernya, rombongan depan difungsikan sebagai penunjuk jalan, tetapi karena jauhnya jarak antara rombongan depan dan belakang, rombongan depan menggunakan ranting panjang agar rombongan dibelakang dapat memberikan petunjuk.

Shit happened, kami berhenti di sebuah gubug ditengah bukit yg sepi. It was compeletely quite, no sound or echo, hanya ada beberapa orang yg naik turun sambil membawa motor bebek dijalan berbatu. Rombongan depan udah hilang, entah kemana mereka ngilang. Gue bersama rombongan kocak yg di setiap waktu selalu berpikir positif wkwkkwkw. 10 menit berjalan, lagi lagi kami berhenti di sebuah rumah yg berada di kaki gunung. ketika gue menghadap belakang, yang gue liat cuma pemandangan indah. It was awesome place with its view.

Lebih dari 2 jam perjalanan, akhirnya kami bersua dengan air minum. Uang yg ternyata ada di kantong bener-bener gak berlaku disini. Indomaret atau alfa mart yg dijanjikan hanya isu belaka. Semakin kami berjalan ke depan, yang kami lihat hanya sawah yg digarap oleh para petani di kaki gunung gede pangrango. Satu teko teh tawar panas ternyata masih kurang, bahkan ada seorang oknum yg membawa botol kosong dan me"refill" botolnya, sangat kurang ajar !! hahaha.

Sementara kami duduk di rumah warga, rombongan depan sudah menghilang entah kemana, berharap tidak dimakan macan. Ada cerita aneh yg terjadi sepanjang perjalanan pencarian air terjun ini. Ketika di kebun teh, kaki temen gue ada yg keseleo. She could even barely walk, akhirnya dia berjalan sambil di bantu. Masih ada beberapa kejadian aneh yg bener-bener gak masuk di akal. Mungkin karena kami menuju ke air terjun yg jarang dikunjungi.

Kami pun berjalan dan semakin mendekati air terjun. Suara sumber air sudah terdengar, namun yg dilihat hanya jalan yg sama seperti 3 jam kami bejalan. Padang rumput, tanaman warga dan beberapa petani yg sedang menggarap sawahnya. Tak terasa kami berjalan di jalan yg semakin mengecil, kemudian kami bertemu sebuah gubug kecil yg berisi seekor anjing. ANJING DI TENGAH HUTAN !! . Sampai sekarang masih menjadi misteri anjing siapa itu.

I thought we were lost. Suara sumber air mengilang menandakan kami pun hilang (tersesat). Lagi lagi kami bertemu sebuah gubug kemudian gue mencoba mendekati dan memanggil orang dalam gubug tersebut. Sial, anjing yg menggonggong membuat gue memutar badan dan berlari balik mengurungkan niat buat nanya sama si "kampret"dalam gubug. Ada sebuah tanda yg bener-bener kalo berpikir kita udah nyasar

Make sepatu running, baju biasa dan tanpa persiapan (hanya uang 5ribu dikantong) kami melihat plang diatas. Oh boy, AIR TERJUN MANA YG ADA DIATAS GUNUNG !! WE WERE COMPELETELY DEFINITELY LOST !! (oke gue sampe pake 2 adverbial gitu) . Bodohnya, kami terus berjalan sampe bertemu dengan sebuah jembatan yg dibuat dari 2 buah batang pohon dan dibawahnya terdapat jurang yg didalam. 

7 perempuan dan 1 laki-laki, and you know who would go first. Dengan sok berani, gue nyebrang dan gue cuma liat jalan setapak yg semakin kecil, bener-bener pengalaman yg edan. Karena kemakan film, yg terpikir dalam otak gue gimana kalo ada suku lokal yg suka makan manusia kaya difilm wrong turn? I must've been dead there. Akhirnya, kami berputar arah dan balik. Sementara di rombongan depan, mereka dengan asiknya sampai di air terjun tanpa memikirkan kami yg tertinggal. TEMEN MACAM APA KALIAN!! . Rombongan gue balik dan udah menyerah. Kami memutuskan untuk jalan pulang. Tiba-tiba kami melihat rombongan depan si kampret udah pada nyuci kaki sehabis dari air terjun. 

Rupanya kami kelewat beberapa ratus meter dari air terjun. Jadi air terjun yg kami cari berada diluar jalan yg biasa dilewati. Ada jalan kecil menuju kebawah yg cukup curam. Nah, ditempat tersebut, ada rumah kecil yg sepertinya menjadi tanda kalo dibawah situ ada air terjun. Rumah tersebut sepi tidak berpenghuni. 

Selanjutnya ...........
Tunggu chapter ke-3 "perjalanan mistis turun ke air terjun"

Rabu, 01 Februari 2017

Exploring the lost Waterfall "Ciheulang" #1

Waterfall is supposed to be a good place to take a selfie or savor the beauty of waterfall. Masalahnya, gimana kalo lo nemuin air terjun yg mungkin belum banyak orang kunjungi, weird, isn't it?
Ada sebuah curug di Cipendawa, daerah sekitaran hutan perbatasan dengan Gunung gede Pangrango. Nah, disitu kalo lo jalan menelusuri hutan tersebut, lo bakal nemuin air terjun Ciheulang. Sebenernya air terjun ini sama aja kayak air terjun lainnya. Namun, there are few horrible but hilarious accident when I got there. Misteri perkataan penduduk lokal yg katanya cuma 15 menit dari villa juga masih jadi pertanyaan (?).

Trying to search google, you'll not find many photos. Yap, cuma ada beberapa foto aja tentang curug ini. Itu juga udah tercampur sama foto dari curug lain. Bisa dibilang curug ini kayak upil yg nyempil which is sort of hard to find hehehehe. Air terjun ini, pernah gue kunjungi bersama teman satu kelas, pas gue mengakhiri semester 6. Berniat buat having fun and refreshing our mind (tetep fun sih) tapi, ada beberapa momen kocak dan creepy tentang perjalanan ke air terjun yg KATANYA PENDUDUK LOKAL CUMAN 15 MENIT !!! HAH!!!. Kenyataan emang gak pernah sama kayak yg kita harapkan sih hehehe.

Gue inget kalimat penting pas temen gue tanya tentang jalan menuju ke curug tersebut.

My friend said, "where is the nearest way to the  waterfall?,"
Local person said by pointing his finger "Just following the white roof,"

Oke, jadi kita semua mulai perjalanan menuju air terjun itu.

Ketika kami lagi bersiap siap, there was a moron conversation about having money or drinking water. Beberapa laki berkumpul di ruang depan, membahas tentang hal bodoh yang akan dilakukan di air terjun. Kami, pada awalnya, tidak tau kalo air terjun yg akan didatangi adalah air terjun yg belum dikelola oleh penduduk sekitar (sepertinya tidak akan pernah dikelola).

Temen 1 bilang,"Mendingan bawa air minum apa bawa uang aja ya?"
Temen 2 jawab dengan jawaban antara bodoh dan polos,"ngapain sih bawa minum, bawanya ribet. Mendingan kita bawa uang aja nanti kita bisa beli minum disana,"
(percakapan ngelantur itu akan sirna ketika mereka sampe ke tempat tersebut)

As people always said "regret always comes late"
Ungkapan yg tepat buat mereka yg lebih memilih buat bawa uang dari pada air minum.

Kami mulai dengan keluar dari villa menuju ke jalan kecil kearah rumah atap putih yg di kasih tau sama mas-mas penduduk lokal. Sampai dirumah beratap putih, kami cuma disuguhkan sama jalan kecil yg belum beraspal. Jalanan berbatu kerikil dan menanjak ini, jadi hal yg biasa buat para penduduk lokal, especialy for old people. Gue ngeliat banyak kakek dan nenek membawa berkarung-karung rumput. Entah untuk pakan ternak, atau apalah, yang pasti mereka cukup kuat buat bawa barang yg mungkin anak muda jaman sekarang banyak ngeluh (termasuk gue) untuk ngelakuin lagi. Terlebih, jalanan licin, setapak yg harus mereka lewati gak mudah. Salute for them !!

Back to the topic, perjalanan "gila" masih dilanjutkan dengan melewati banyak tanaman dan tumbuhan yg ditanam oleh warga sekitar. Seperti, kubis, kol, tomat, singkong, ubi dan macam lainnya (lebih lanjut mending baca di trubus). Jalan setapak melewati tanaman yg dibentuk secara sengkedan membuat perjalanan kami lebih berwarna (dengan kata lain "berbahaya"). Jalan semakin mengecil ketika kami tiba di sebuah tempat yg disatu sisi menjorok kebawah karena ditanami oleh tumbuhan. Video yg bakal gue upload nanti, bisa buat menggambarkan "berwarna" -nya perjalanan yg kami lakukan.

30 menit kami berjalan, tidak terdengar sumber air karena memang tempat tersebut masih jauh dr air terjun. It was like terrible, horrible, impossible destination to go. Perempuan mendominasi dalam perjalanan kami sangat terasa, ada beberapa yg minta berhenti, minta di gendong, minta makan, minta minum, banyak permintaannya kayak kebanyakan cewek jaman sekarang hehehe. Di satu sisi kami (para jantan) sangat kesal, sisi lainnya kasian (kasian deh lo!).

Perjalanan kami akhirnya benar benar berhenti ketika kami sampai di kebun teh yg sangat luas. Beberapa dari komunitas pencari air terjun dadakan ini pun pulang karena banyak hal. Ada yg cape, ga kuat, angkat tangan, menyerah ada juga yg  minta berhenti, minta di gendong, minta makan, minta minum, banyak permintaannya kayak kebanyakan cewek jaman sekarang hehehe. Yang tersisa dari kami berpikir realistis dan positif. Ada tanda tanda keberadaan air terjun, terlihat dari banyaknya pipa pipa besar yg ternyata untuk mengairi pedesaan disekitar situ.

Pemikiran positif ini ternyata dibarengi dengan beberapa kejadian mistis yg gue gak pernah percaya sebelumnya.

SPOILER : Ini bukan cerita fiksi, hantu maupun pemburu hantu. Tunggu aja update selanjutnya dari cerita yg gue tulis sendiri.

Buat meyakinkan para pembaca, disini bakal gue upload video perjalanan "berwarna" menyusuri air terjun yg hilang ini. Ciaaaaooo !!!

Penulis punya ig baru silahkan di follow:

Untuk chapter 2 silahkan

Senin, 30 Januari 2017

8 hidden beaches in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

Do you know that Yogyakarta has secret beach? I guess you don't. All people know about Yogyakarta's beach  is Parang Tritis. In fact, there are 60 hidden beaches located in Yogyakarta, a best place for beach-hopper, right? it's like beach-hopper's paradise. It is located in Distict of Gunung kidul bordered with District of Klaten.

Most of this terittory are hills and limestones mountains which are part of mountainious of sewu. This district is known as a barren area which often has long drought, but it has a uniqueness history including tourism and culinary destination especially beach. Most of beaches are still so quite that people always make a campfire here at night. People who come here are still not as many as on Parang tritis beach. It's because the way to get here is still unreachable.

Here I will give you 8 recommendation beaches that you can visit:

1. Baron Beach
This is a nearest beach after getting through the main gate. It is just 1 km from the main gate. Local tourist are always having a celebration here in every year during holy day. This is a good spot for fishing lovers because there is a mouth of the beach in the edge of the sea. There are Parang Racuk hills with its mountain slopes so people could get some adventure there. Such an exciting place to go.


2. Wedi Ombo beach
Do you want to swim in the safe place? here's the place. You don't have to worry because there is a small natural pool in Wedi Ombo beach. Cluster of rocks line surrounding like a small lagoon. Here you can swim by staring at the sky waiting for sunset come.
Although it is safe, you should be aware of big wave which often wipe you out. It could drag you out of the lagoon and hit the rocks. This place is located in Jepitu village, Distict of girisubo.


3. Wohkudu Beach
It takes 2 hours from Yogyakarta to Wohkudu beach without getting lost hehehehe. It is actually just a small beach (20 -25 m). But, this place has truly awesome scenery. This beach is flanked by two big hills which are also high. A view of white sand and blue sea would be pampering yourself. In one of cliff, there is a cavity like cave. This place is still hard to reach which is good to make a camp here. The way to get this beach is also a bit tough, you have to walk around in the path which is surrounded by thatch in your side.
There is no facility here so you have to keep this beach clean. Bring back your trash, Do not ruin the coral reef and also keep this beach away from the destruction activities. The best time come here in the morning so you can make a camp at Kesirat beach or you can come in the afternoon waiting for sunset.


4. Pantai Gesing
Hidden at the west end of Gunung kidul, this beach is still untouched. 

Besides far away from the city, this beach is also quiet and deserted. There are just local people (fishermen) who want to fish in the sea. A torqouise water and super clean are the finest thing that you can see along this attractive beach.
Due to the fact that this beach is untouched, many restaurants offer seafood with fresh fish and lobster. The price is friendly for traveler. It is caused by this place is still deserted. There are row of restaurants line on the side of the beach which make easy to look for something to eat, or you could make your own food by fishing on the beach. Such a lovely beach !

5. Ngobaran beach
Blue water and sandy white beach are the beauty of natural sea. But, On Ngobaran beach you can also find 4 worship places which represent religious diversity on this beach. It also reminds us of respecting ecah other by letting them worship in the holy place.


There is a temple with buddha and other ornament which remind us of Tanah Lot, Bali. It was build to celebrate Brawijaya's 5 presence as a descent of Majapahit. There is also a mosque facing south near the coast. 

6. Ngerenehan Beach
Located in the east side of Ngobaran beach. The first impression when you see this beach is a chain of limestone hill. 

In this beach, you don't have to worry about dragged by waves. This beach is flanked by two large coral reefs which make wave can't touch your skin. Known as fishermen's village, you'll see the way they prepare to catch the fish by using boat.  There is a unique tradition that you can see. It is a fish auction. You can attend to this place or maybe you can buy some fresh fish by local fishermen. 

7. Timang beach
Located in 35 km away from south of wonosari. This beach wasn't famous until there is a photographer who took a picture of "cable car" which hang around the beach.

This cable car used to be the only one way to get the "watu pajang island). They went there to catch lobster and shrimp, but now it's been famous destination that people love to visit. Travelers can test their nerve by using this cable car. Although it doesn't use steel rope, this cable car is strong enough to take there. Enjoy Cable car!!

8. Jogan beach
The primary attraction is the waterfall beside this beach. This beach isn't as famous as Siung beach, but the waterfall could be the best reason to walk a few hundred meters from Siung beach.


There are many beaches that I couldn't share guys. If you need to relax and enjoy your holiday, those places could be the best to ran away from your tedious activity.


Senin, 23 Januari 2017

Chilling out at Radja Coffee

I basically don't like hanging out on saturday night. But, I got a text in the group chat that my schoolmate wanted to hang out together. Having never seen for a year was our reason to meet up. We decided to chill out at Coffee store. I was a bit dissapointed with the idea because I don't like coffee. At first, the reason I went there was just meeting up my old friends.

( source: @bekasifood)

We decided to gather there at 8 pm. I told my friend to pick me up at my house.

When I arrived there, I saw all of the design made by wood, wooden chair, wooden table. A classic one, but pretty enough. There are few portable games that you could play such as, zenga, card or uno. There is a small stage you want to sing with few guitars also. In each table, a small candle beautifies your sight. There are lots of choices menu you can buy. It turns out the serve not only coffee but also milkshake, desert and appetizer.

Location : Radja Ngopi
Address :  Pahlawan street, Duren jaya, East bekasi (beside RS. Sentosa)
Range of price : Rp. 10,000 - Rp. 35,000

A music show always play at 9 pm. You can sing or request a song. My friend sang a song called "just the way you are" covered by Bruno mars, he was quite excellent. I'd never doubted him because he has a good voice. One the moment, He also sang "Happy birthday" which was given my other friend who has turned 21 years old. Happy birthday for her !

At the store, we planned on having vacation in Puncak which is held on February. I am looking foward to it though. After everyting was set up, at 1am we came back home with satisfying.


Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

5 Tricks to have low-cost holiday

Many people are hesitant to go holiday because they have no much money. Thinking of ticket's flight, hotel, food, souvenir and other stuffs make you worry. The truth is holiday is cheap if you open your mind widely up. Try to change your mindset by considering some destination you haven't thought before. In addition, you can find some recommendation from the expert how to get low-cost holiday. Based on "hufingtonpost", there are several ways to have low-cost holiday.

1. Be a traveler, not a tourist.
If you go vacation, do not think of fancy hotel, food, souvenir. You have to stimulate yourself that you are a traveler not a tourist. By measuring your accomodation, you can extend your holiday. Staying at motel and eating at the street vendors can make you live longer in your destination.

2. Going to the place where you know somebody there.
Have you ever thought that you have to allocate 30% of your money to stay at hotel? If you think so, you need to consider it carefully. Going to the place where you know somebody there may be a good reason to save your money. Besides having a room to stay, you can live longer because you have extra money in your pocket.

3. Get a promo or discount.
Since travelling application (traveloka, mister aladin, etc) can easily be accessed by your hand, each agent competes by giving many discount and promo such as, ticket's flight, hotel, food. This promotion can be a perfect time to have low-cost holiday, but you have to check one by one each agent.

4, Going vacation in regular day.
Peak season could be the "worst" day to have vacation as a low-budget traveler. All prices are insanely expensive though. If you want to do low-budget vacation, make sure you have a day's off in the regular day. Besides inexpensive ticket, your destination wouldn't be as crowd as peak season.

5. Going together with your friends. 
Having holiday together is the best method to have low-budget vacation. Most of places provide cut-prices for community. The more you bring, the less you pay.

By reading those tricks, you know how to ge low-cost vacation. Be a smart and tricky traveler.

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

Where to have picnic in Jakarta?

Where to have picnic in Jakarta? well, there are many beautiful places to go in Jakarta. Such as National monument (MONAS), TMII, Ancol and Ragunan. The last one, Ragunan is not just a place where animals live, but it has a beautiful scenery which is surrounded by dozen of big tress in every places. It is a good place to have picnic with your family, friends or anyone. A good place is not always expensive, like this one. I went there with my friends (5 person + 1 me). The ticket is just 10,000/motorcycle and it's been including the ticket get on Transjakarta to Kota tua (old city) and Monas. Interesting, isn't it?

After passing through the main door, we were pleasantly surprised with the views. It's so much better than before. We sat in the iron-bench like at the bus station which is existed along the road. I took a few sightseeing pictures which made me impress.

Actually, we could rent a bicycle Rp. 10,000/person, but we took a walk until we found herd of elephants who were fed by zoo keeper. They were fed palm frond. They looked like healthy because the zoo keeper treated them carefully. Then, we went to the king of jungle "Lion Africa". We saw them lied in the big rocks. They were so boring so we decided to the bird's cage. 

We saw many kinds of birds but we were amazed with Cenderawasih. When they slowly opened their wings, they looked elegant. As i could see, the visitor was impressed with this kind of aves too. Well, I saw most of visitor came from out of the town, I could see the way they talked wasn't sound familiar.

We went to the owa (kinds of monkey). At first, they were kind of friendly by stretching out their hands but they could be aggressive when we insulted or bothered them. They would jump up and down like a child who needed to be pitied. They also shouted loudly like calling each other.

We got back to the main gate where we could loan a mat or carpet Rp, 10,000/each. We streched it out and had a lunch together. A good time in the good place provided a good mood hehehehe. The weather was good, it was cloudy but not rain. We didn't spend much money here but we got a good place. It's good at restoring your mood while you want to refresh yourself.

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Thanks for reading...

Senin, 16 Januari 2017

Visiting a famous beach in Banten

For some people, Carita beach has been well-known as a famous beach in Banten. Most of them prefer going to other beach, such as Sawarna beach or Karang bolong beach. In my opinion, Carita is still worth to visit, although the beach wasn't as good as it used to be. There are many factors which make this beach so dirty. Besides air contamination, corporate activity which throws the trash away into the sea contributes to this contamination. Instead of keeping the sea clear from the trash, they contribute to make it dirtier.

Back to the story, I visited carita beach on March,2016. It'd been 1 year ago. It hadn't been planned at all, as usual. In the morning before our departure, I opened up my group chat and I saw that my friends had a plan to go somewhere. Apparently, my friend told about going to beach. It was reckless trip i guess because of not planning well. In the middle of the day, we hadn't got a rent-car. It could be canceled until my friend called his uncle to rent his car. We took of by a car at 4 pm, such a waste day!. It took 5 hours and a half to arrive on carite beach. 

Due to weekend, we hadn't easily got a homestay. we looked around for an hour to find a homestay. We checked in at 1 am and prepared to have a rest. Basically, we had to take a rest, but my friend asked us to make a fire. He put two chickens out of the box and roasted it. We had a late late dinner atthat time. It turned out that we couldn't sleep until the dawn was coming. During the dawn, I made myself feel awake. I wanted to see a sun rise there. It was unlucky for me, rain was coming until 6am. Besides i couldn't see a sunrise, I couldn't get to the beach too. 

During the rain, I talked to the pak wani a guy who had been a security for 4 months. We talked 'bout the beach and other stuffs. He said that the beach used to be crowded than now. He also told about his side-job. He had been a security in every night and he became an oil palm's laborer in the morning. I couldn't imagine how he could sleep well. He had a kid who helped him to watch in the night. Such a good boy !. 

As the rain stopped, I ran to the beach by barefoot and found a couple of rainbows. It was so stunning. It didn't seem clear, but we could see with your eyes. I was envy with people who got a good spot from his homestay. Their homestay was exactly behind the beach which made them see the sunrise or sunset. Suddenly, I felt hungry and I had "nasi uduk". The local 45 years old woman brought her basket full of rice and filled with "tempe orek and noodle". 

I enjoyed the beach with its big wave. The huge was repeatedly coming from the middle of the sea. It seemed like swalowing us with fun way hahaha. My friend bought a mini skiing to dive in it. I tried one, but I didn't feel good at it. People were happy at that day. Playing football in the beach, skiing in the sea and also snorkeling in the depth of sea was so behaved. Their routinity was so fun as if they would do it in their whole life.

Sun came up so I decided to get back to homestay. I took a bath then had some sleep. I hadn't slept for 24 hours by the way. After swimming in the morning, we prepared to get back because the traffic would be so bad if we didn't go earlier. Driving back to home was like something I didn't want to do. There wasn't anything excited while we were in the car so I slept. Soon, I got home and did an usual boring routinity. See you beach, I'll be back as soon as I can.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Exploring Yogyakarta in 4 days

Last year, I opened up my journey by visiting Yogyakarta with my friends. We spent 4 days to get lost there. It wasn't planned at all. We actually didn't know why we got there because all we just wanted to was to have holiday together. It was unforgettable memory, started by having time together, getting lost together and making unbelievable decision. it was such a stunning week ever!. Yogyakarta is a city which has thousand beauty inside of it. When you get there, I assure you don't want to come back hahahaha!


Let's start from .....
FIRST DAY #1 : Where the journey began
This trip started when we arrived at Lempuyangan station, Yogyakarta. We had a dozen plan to do, but, first, we had to find a homestay. That was a funny thing when my friend used google map to find "malioboro street". We strolled down to Malioboro for 2 hours from lempuyangan station. To be honest, from lempuyangan station to malioboro actually just took 15 minutes. It turned out that my friend used google map, but the setting was when you used a car not walk hahahaha.

After we checked in at the homestay, we made a plan to get around in Malioboro street. We slept for couple of hour then we got off to Malioboro in the afternoon. We had a lunch in front of "beringharjo market". having "gudeg" (Yogyakarta's traditional food) was delicious meal for us. After that, we went to town square. There wasn't anything right there because we went to the wrong town square then we decided to get back to malioboro street. We stopped by at "titik nol Yogyakarta" this is a heart of the city where you can hear a heartbeat of the city.

As long as we walked, we rubbed up against store supplies such as clothes, meals, any other unique stuffs. Malioboro street is a place where you can find unique and unusual stuff. We got around 2 hours to find a stuff we we'd love to buy. I bought 2 clothes and 2 traditional wallets as a souvenir for my parents and sister. Bargaining is something that you should specialize here because you can get whatever you want with a low-cost.

SECOND DAY #2 : Unexpectedly decision
I woke up earlier in the second day. I had a plan to find another town square this morning. We enjoyed walking around in Yogyakarta and took a few pictures to memorize it. From Malioboro street to East town square took an hour by foot. When we got there, there was 2 huge tress in the middle of the field. The myth said that if you could possibly walk in the middle of by closing both of your eyes, your true couple would be found immediately. That was just a myth hah! .

I enjoyed a beautiful scenery with a cup of tea and "gorengan", so did my friends. Having conversation with local people was pleasure. The way they talked about the beauty of this city, and the way of their perspective about living this city made me stay longer or even lived there hahaha. I always dreamed of living in the village not in the big crowded town.

It'd been 2 hours so we came back to the homestay and packed our stuff to the real destination. We should've checked out at 12 am and went to the bantul, but the plan wasn't going well. We had to wait friend of mine pick us up, but there wasn't any news from him. We had to arrange another plan. We are insisted on staying at the mosque for 3 hours then we took a walk to Vredenburgh wall, but unfortunately, the wall was closed. What an amazing day, was it? we took off to another mosque. We stayed there till the night came, till the electricity that we used was turned off. We were like a beggar who needed a homestay.

We were desperated so we decided to get Bantul with a cab. We finally made it ! after more than 10 hours going to nowhere. Our friend who lived in Bantul was so pleased. He let us stay for 2 days. We slept there thanks to him.

THIRD DAY #3 : Going to hidden beach in Gunung Kidul
After getting through rough day, now we arrived in Bantul. We'd been getting closer with our destination. At first time, I didn't think we could get there because the way to get there was so steep with high hill and ravine. By riding motorcycle, we went to gunung kidul beach. In the middle of the trip, we saw a car crashed and got into the ravine. that was so terrified, but we kept taking our eyes on in order that we could keep an eyes on each other.

We got the main gate in Gunung Kidul beach. Rp.10,000/person was the ticket that we should pay. It wasn't too expensive to see chain of beach along Yogyakarta until east java. The nearest beach was "Baron Beach". We finally came by in "Slili Beach", it wasn't as familiar as "Indrayanti Beach", but the scenery was awesome and stunning. By renting a cottage Rp.20,000 you could put your things and enjoy the beach.

We did snorkeling there, but most of couldn't swim, including me. Rp.30,000/person snorkeling in Slili beach. it was cheaper than other beach. We had snorkeling for an hour. It was my first time and I thought I wanted more. After snorkeling, we had a lunch. Some of my friends continued seeing other beach whereas I slept in the cottage. My friend talked about a waterfall in the beach. That was their destination, but i didn't come along. They came back at 4 a.m and we went home. Journey was over.

FOURTH DAY #4 : Packing stuff then going home
The day was running quickly. There was a time we had to come home. Although I missed my home, I prefered staying here for few days more. Train was off at 4pm. We headed back with all memories kept tightly on my mind. Thanks to lad who let us stay for days in Bantul. The perfect holiday when i also turned to 21 years old.
